Get Organized Stay Productive 2.0

Tools for organizing images, files, notes, ideas, link, and passwords

Digital workflow for daily living.

Specifically designed for artists, entrepreneurs, life long learners,
and household managers

90-minute online lass catering to your specific needs
Book a day and time that suits your schedule

Offered until June 30 - $70

Close-up of pink peonies against a dark background, photography by Karen Olson

Get Organized
Stay Productive

Digital overwhelm. It’s all too familiar. The amount of images and information we collect and sort daily is staggering. As an artist, graphic designer, and creative business mentor I have many different projects on the table daily. Searching for the files i needed for any given project was taking up much of my valuable time and energy. I simply had to create a logical workflow and filing structure that would free my mind and my time.

After two months of research and testing I have a system I would love to share with you! Using 3 easily mastered apps, I will help you get all the digital clutter in order and accessible. Together we will design a workable system that suits your situation and learning style.

Cluster of pink peony flowers against a dark background, photography by Karen Olson

• Upload images from your iPhone to an external folder for safe keeping
• Create a manageable file system for documents and images
• Keep project notes, to do lists, and reminders at your fingertips
• Create calendars and timelines for travel or project tracking
• Keep household receipts and budget planning easily accessible

“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To gain wisdom, remove things every day.”

Lau Tzu